Sunday Afternoon Craft.

After their nap, the boys were full of energy and ready to go outside for a play. Before that, I managed to excite them with a very interesting craft. Paper plate monsters.  Yes, we were going to make paper plate monsters.

The boys received the craft pack last Christmas from a friend.  It came with instructions on how to make different “types” of monsters.  Most of them requires a lot of cutting and gluing.  I decided not to follow the instructions, but let the boys create their own monster craft according to their imagination.  Calvin came up with “happy monster”. Athan wanted one too.

First, they chose a coloured paper plate and then I helped them cut out the eyes and horns using the template and paper supplied. Next was gluing. Calvin could handle the gluing without help, but the little one struggled. I witnessed how the older boy helped his little brother with the gluing without me having to tell him. It was nice.  After putting the eyes, nose and horns in place, I asked if they wanted me to help cut out a mouth for the monsters.  Calvin said “we can just draw a smile, mum”. That’s it. The result? We have 2 very happy looking paper plate monsters and 2 very happy boys. 🙂

Boys showing off their happy monsters.

Before they disappeared to the backyard to ride on their bikes, the boys proudly ran off to show their creations to the father who gave them a big hug and a “hi 5” each. 🙂

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