Backyard Find.

It was late afternoon. Time to go to the park for our exercise. The husband wasn’t going as he had to go to a meeting at church later in the evening. And, I was feeling tired and  …. lazy. :)  So, I sent the boys to the backyard. They were just as happy — Calvin on his bike and Athan on his “Radio Flyer” car. I was with them for most of the time until I had to prepare their dinner.  I could still see them from the kitchen window — something that I love about our home. 🙂

The boys were having fun amusing themselves with silly little games that they invented and running after the *poor* birds that stopped by.  I could hear their talking and laughter where I was standing. It was all good, until I could no longer hear them chatting away. This could either mean the two monkeys were getting into mischief things or they had found something interesting to look at. It was the latter.

I saw them squatting on the paved area looking at something and I really wondered what they have found.  So, I decided to go out quietly with my camera.  This is what I managed to capture before the battery went flat:

Caterpillar (trying to escape) on a leaf from the lemon tree.

Unfortunately, this is the only shot I managed to get …… anyway I found out that the boys were looking at a hairy caterpillar. Calvin had plucked a leaf from the lemon tree *to feed* it. :)  The poor caterpillar was trying to escape while the boys kept trying to keep it on the leaf. They even asked me why it was going away all the time! How cute.  I just love how little things can intrigued the boys so much. I reminded them of one of their favourite books, “The very hungry caterpillar” and the respond I got was “mama, I think the caterpillar is going to look for chocolate cake!”. That was from Calvin.  If you have read the book, you’d know what he meant. 🙂

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