More Backyard Fun.

The other day when we got home after school, Calvin went straight to the backyard. Why?  His dad and brother were out there talking to a neighbour.  Anyway, when Athan saw his brother, he was very happy and excited and the boys wanted to play immediately.  Well, the weather was nice and rather than staying indoors (and probably ended up watching TV), I just let the boys ran wild in the yard.

Truth be told, we haven’t got many outdoor toys or games etc to entertain the boys.  However, these 2 monkeys can always devise their own games and get the most fun out of it.  Having said that, one thing that we do have for each boy is a bike for Calvin (thanks to Miss Alison who has  generously loan Calvin the bike while she is away for the year) and a little red “radio flyer” car for Mr A. The boys enjoy riding on them — in fact, Mr C has improved his cycling skills a lot after lots of practice on the bike. :)  Mr A loves to chase after his brother in his little read car which he has to run with his legs.  :)  Below is a couple of pictures of the boys :


Calvin happily riding on the bike, stopping to let me take a photo of him.


Athan riding his little red car and making sound effects. 🙂

Honestly, I’d rather be at the backyard with the boys than to stay indoors and let them watch TV.  They tend to ask for TV after a short play, especially when I am working on some chores or cooking.  We’ve got to kick that habit.  And so, we are trying our best to encourage the boys to play at the backyard when the weather is good. I think the boys prefer to be outside too.  What more, I get a chance to read my book and have a cup of tea! That’s nice.

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