Conversation With My 5yo.

I was preparing dinner and Calvin was nearby playing with his toy. I started chatting with him asking how his day was and who he played with at day care today.  He told me that he build this huge sand castle (his best!) at the sandpit with a friend.  As he was telling his story, the rained poured …. and my little boy became upset because his castle “is all gone now”! Well, I told him that he could build another one next time he’s at the day care.  Then it was his turn to ask me questions:

Calvin: Mum, how’s your work?

Me: (slightly surprised) Oh, it’s good.

Calvin: Everything good?

Me: Yes.

Calvin: Did you have a happy day?

Me: Yes.

Calvin: Do you have friends at work?

Me: Yes I do.

Calvin: What are their names?

Me: Andrew and Michelle.

Calvin: Do you play with them?

Me: (amused, but tried hard not to laugh) No, we work together.

Calvin: Huh? Work? How?

Cute isn’t it?  That’s my little boy with all his endless questions.  Think I should bring him in to my work place one day to show him what I do and the people I work with.  He will like that, I think. 🙂

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