The Boys.

They are actually sitting on their father’s back in the photo above. It was after dinner, a usually fun and happy time for the boys.  Athan, in particular, is usually cranky before dinner and once he his tummy is full, he seems a lot happier and also “naughtier”. :)  Robin usually spends that time with the boys while I clean up the mess.  Well, the boys naturally go to him for play or wrestle …. so I just leave them be and do my chores in peace. 🙂

Athan.  This little man began to show symptoms of a cough and cold over the weekend.  The cough gets worse at night.  Last night was a bad night — he coughed very frequently and the cough was very phlegmy.  At some stage, I could hear wheezing as well.  Poor fellow.  I wasn’t able to sleep well as I seemed to be instinctively waking up to hear if he were coughing.  He did not cry though …. thank God.  He is still coughing today and has a little fever too.  So we kept him at home.  Hope he gets well soon.

Calvin. Started Term 3 of kindy since last week.  He has been well, thank God.  He has been learning a lot of new words lately which is good. Before bedtime last night, he said to me “when I am naughty and try to hide, God will find me.” I was pleased to hear that from him because it showed that he has learnt something from our daily dose of the children catechism booklet.  See, we have been going through the questions and one of them was “Where is God?” The answer is “God is everywhere.” Following on from that was “Can you hide from God?” The answer is “No”.  Calvin seems to be able to piece what he has learn together — that because God is everywhere, one can’t hide from God. I guess this is a like a direct application for him because whenever he is disobedient, he tries to hide, especially to escape discipline …. and now he knows that although he can hide from me or his dad, he can’t hide from God.

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