Bedtime Boys.

These 2 were protesting at bedtime last night and I ended up putting them together on Calvin’s bed. Calvin teased his little brother and the baby loved it. He was kicking his legs and flapping his arms the whole time. I put them back to their respective beds 15 minutes later, and surprisingly, they were happy to go to sleep — without a sound.

Many friends have commented that Athan is looking more and more like Calvin although there are some who disagree. I can’t really tell because I see them everyday. You be the judge. 🙂

2 Responses to “Bedtime Boys.”

  1. iyeping says:

    yes, athan is looking more and more like calvin. 🙂

  2. Big Sis says:

    yes, even Mum, Jane, Lihua and myself agree that Athan looks very much like Calvin.
    So good to see these lovely nephews …