Sunday Boys.

It was fruit for afternoon tea after their afternoon nap.


Then it was playing blocks time. Calvin really loves playing with his “monster” blocks lately. He gets endless enjoyment from building planes, towers, etc and anything according to his own imagination. He can sit down and play with the blocks for a very long time.  Athan is beginning to show some interest in blocks lately, thanks to Calvin. But his *favourite* past time is still to destroy his brother’s creations (which drives Calvin up the wall complete with the loudest screaming possible …..).


And, before dinner, it was colouring time. Calvin has improved a lot when it comes to colouring.  In fact, he was the one who wanted to do colouring-in for his Wall-E book. He is holding his pencil better and able to colour within the line better.  He still has a lot of room to improve, but I have to say he has made big steps in terms of being willing to sit down and colour or draw for more then 2 minutes. Athan just followed his “gor gor” along although he was more interested in playing with the colour pencils. 🙂

The boys had quite a nice afternoon doing things together. They are very aware of each other’s presence now, especially for Athan.  He asks for Calvin whenever he doesn’t see his brother around. He is quite sweet too — he always take an extra piece of biscuit for Calvin when he is being offered one.

I really hope they will grow up to be good brothers.

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