Last Day At Kindy.

Calvin had a very busy week before we left for Singapore. He had Christmas parties at day care and kindy one after another, then there was his cousin’s birthday party to attend and our church’s family Christmas evening that was on the eve of our departure.

I was so glad that Calvin could attend the last day of his kindy before we left. It was a Christmas celebration as well as *graduation* for the kids. We were told to arrive early and to bring a plate of sweets to share. I brought Athan along.

The kindy kids were sat neatly in a row right in front of us.  They had a few songs to sing to us!  Those were the songs that they have learnt throughout the year.  They were so cute!

It was great to see Calvin singing together with his classmates and enjoying himself.  Watching him doing the actions together with the others and seeing him listening (and following) the teacher’s instructions have really made me proud. What made me even prouder of my little guy was when his teacher presented him with his folio and the Christmas gift that he has made for our family.

His folio contained all the work that he has done throughout the year.  He has been taught many many things! I was so impressed. I have to say that he did not put in much effort in his drawings to express himself.  A chat with his teacher revealed that Calvin has been difficult when it comes to doing craft or drawing.  He showed protest. It took the teachers a lot of patience to persuade him and to sit down with him to complete his art work.  The good news is that Calvin has shown great progress for the last few weeks before the term ended.  He participated at craft time without protest and has shown interest in drawing and making art pieces. I’m very very thankful to the teachers.  They have done a great job with Calvin.

After the singing and presentation of folios was party time! There was a huge spread of food at the backyard of the school.  Athan suddenly became so alive! The photo on the left showed the little fellow pointing to the food and telling me he wanted a share. How can I refuse him, right? 🙂

The photo above showed the boys stuffing their faces with all the *forbidden* food at home. :)  Athan absolutely loved the pop corns!

I have been telling Calvin that he won’t be going to the 3-year-old kindy anymore and that he won’t be seeing his friends there anymore.  He kept asking why and I tried to explain to him that he’s four years old now and so it is time to go to a big school.  He seems excited at the thought although I’m not sure whether he really understands what I’m trying to tell him.  I know he will miss his friends, but I also know that he will make new friends very soon.

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