Athan — Still Down.

This little man is still not well yet.  His runny nose almost disappeared after 2 days and we thought he has recovered. Then the cough came. :(  He has been coughing today. Night time is worse. Hearing him cough non-stop can be distressing for me, I have to say.  I tend to be anxious when Athan coughs because of his tendency to wheeze (which might lead to asthma when he is older if he continues to wheeze at every cough episode).  We just have to monitor his condition, said the father. I guess that’s all we can do for now.

On the brighter side of things, Mr Athan is still eating quite well despite his cough.  He is not that cranky which is a good sign.  I hope he will get well soon.

Robin took the picture above one morning while he was playing with Athan.  They built a tower, a tall tower that was almost as tall as Athan (I think the tower is taller!).  Athan has grown in size, but he is still rather short (to me at least). He has short chubby legs. 🙂

A little update: Athan is now 21 months old.  His most obvious developments are in his speech and his ability to understand instruction and follow it. Following his “gor gor” around and copying everything he does seem to have helped Athan to grow in these areas.  He is Mandarin speaking at the moment although I suspect he also understands a little English (because of Calvin). He is easy going and easy to appease when upset. He is a happy little boy who loves to *talk* and eat and drink water. He is affectionate with us — always ready to give us a kiss or cuddle when we request it. He is a delight to be with.

When throwing a tantrum, he is loud and he throws things. If not stopped, he can pick up the object and throw it again just to get our attention. He can be very assertive too.  The way to deal with him is to be very firm with him and never give in to his demands. He will eventually submit.  It is hard work, I must add.

He still has a soft spot for stuff toys and likes to carry one under his arm when he is playing. Of late, he loves to*sweep* the floor and *mow* the lawn! He loves to go to the backyard and play with the broom which is much taller than he is. When he doesn’t have a broom or toy lawn mower, he used a stick and go through the grass to pretend that he is mowing the lawn (with sound effect too).  Hopefully, his interest will last long enough so that he can really sweep the floor at home and mow the lawn! And, he can wash the car too! 🙂

He likes going to Calvin’s kindy. He wants to go onto the bikes which is too tall for him.  He wants to play with the toys and join the other kids. The teachers there has been watching him grow as I always bring him along when I drop Calvin off at the school.  This morning, one of the teachers said to me ” he (pointing to Athan) is in a real hurry to grow up so that he can be like his brother!”. How true.

Here’s another dose of Athan for you:

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