From The Neighbours.

The other day our next door neighbour came over with her daughters and gave us several silk worms. Apparently, they keep the worms as *pets*.  How interesting.  They thought Calvin and Athan might be interested to see how the worms grow and build a cocoon of silk and eventually become a moth. Calvin would appreciate it as he loves the children classic “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” by Eric Carle.  We hope to help him follow the growth of the worms and link it to the book.

Of course the boys were excited about the worms.  Those white looking *sticks* in the picture on the left are the worms.  The father immediately took out a shoe box, laid some newspaper at the bottom and plucked some mulberry leaves from the tree at the back for the worms.  Everyday, the boys will watch the silk worms eat the leaves and they even say good night to them! Athan espeically loves to touch them. Yikes!

Looks like we will be getting some silk very soon!  How cool is that?

Not too long ago, our very nice neighbours gave us some basil seeds.  The lady is from an Italian family and so her cooks lots of pasta and she makes her own sauce — the authentic Italian way.  She tells us that she uses basil in her sauce and that’s what gives the sauce the nice flavour.  She’s got a pot of basil in her backyard which she grows from seeds.  We must have sounded very enthusiastic about growing basil and trying her recipe when we were at her home.  She came over the next day and gave us the seeds!

Robin planted the seeds in a pot and now we can see new sprouts shooting out!  Well, I just hope they are not weeds! 🙂

Last Sunday, our very nice and kind neighbours invited us to their home for lunch after church.  The lady, Delia cooked spaghetti marinara and the sauce was so yummy.  She even made cream puffs for desert.  I was so impressed. We had very good conversations too, about kids, cooking, realestate, work exercise etc etc.  There’s so much to talk about.

The boys had a lot of fun at their home.  They were very comfortable. The girls (older one is 12, and the younger one is 9) entertained the boys with lots of toys and they were really gentle with Calvin and Athan. Calvin even stayed on at their home after we left — we had to put Athan down for his afternoon nap. Apparently, after we left, the girls continued to play Lego blocks with Calvin, read 2 books with  him and walked around their backyard.  Of course the boy was happy — he had so much attention!

We are indeed grateful and thankful to have good neighbours.  Thank God.

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