Played Up.

The two boys played up this evening at bedtime. They simply refused to listen to me.

Calvin demanded to read book after book when usually he only reads one. Athan, this little boy, just followed his brother and copied all the actions and babbled away as if he was telling me off. I have no idea why they behaved this way tonight as they are normally quite cooperative before bedtime. Perhaps, it was because their father wasn’t around this evening. I am not sure. Anyway, when I asked them to come to me to get changed into their PJs, you know what they did? Calvin took Athan’s little hand and the two of them just walked out of the room towards the lounge room hand in hand. I stood there not sure whether I should laugh or to scream at them. INSTEAD I quickly took my camera and took a shot of them. The picture on the left is I have captured. They were obviously enjoying the attention they are getting from me!

My two boys really drive me up the wall sometimes and at the same time, they really do make me smile. Sigh. I am sure you can attest to what I am saying here especially if you are a mum like me. Anyway, when the two boys have done their little tour hand in hand around the house, they were finally settled down and ready to obey me. They were in bed within minutes without a sound. Nice.

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