
For the past few days, Athan has been having a chesty cough and he has been wheezing as a result of it. The wheeze is not that serious — well, he is still eating, playing and sleeping normally despite the wheeze — in a sense that he is not struggling to breathe. However, I get worried (as I always do) whenever I hear his noisy breathing. I’m worried that he is asthmatic and I am not doing the right thing for him.

I brought him to his GP today for a checkup. He said that Athan is still too young (under 2) to determine whether he is asthmatic. He could well be if he continues to have wheezing episode at every cough and cold that he has. Right now, he reckons that Athan has a viral infection and it will clear up on its own. He added that Athan’s wheeze would not get any worse, rather, it would disappear soon. However, he said that we could help Athan breathe better by using a puffer. We did a test at the clinic and it seemed to worked quite well on the boy.

I am relieved, kind of, for now knowing that my little boy is going to be OK. He is still so cheeky despite wheezing away! That’s a good sign. Do pray for Athan that he will get well soon and won’t get any more wheezing episodes.

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