New Look. New Title.

Finally. Our new site is up and running. There were some annoying and frustrating technical problems while we were setting things up, and that explains the delay in *launching* this new site.

Robin created the banner and I contributed to the new title. Well, since I am the main author and I write about the boys most of the time, I thought the title is a pretty good one. 🙂 I hope this new tool will help me manage this blog better. I am learning.

Our previous posts are still available and they can be accessed by clicking on “archives (nov’04 – aug’07)” under “Pages” on the right hand side panel. I have not transferred them across to WordPress at this stage as it requires quite a bit of work and effort.

I’ll put up a new post soon.

One Response to “New Look. New Title.”

  1. robin says:

    finally got it working! Good work Zhen! 😀