LEGO Wonder.

Calvin enjoys playing with his LEGO sets. He was given several sets (combined into a bucket) by a friend in church. He likes to build long snakes, tall towers, houses, planes and cars. However, at his current skills he can only manage the first 2. I have to help him with the houses etc. Problem is, I am no good with Lego at all! In fact, I find myself lacking in imagination ….. sad to say. BUT. I try. I try to amuse my boy and help him build his Lego houses and cars with the blocks. Thankfully at this stage he does not complain much about the finished products. In fact, he is always very happy with what I have come up with. I actually like to play Lego with Calvin as it gives us some sit-down time together to do something. It gives me a chance to see his imagination at work as well.

When we were in Singapore, I found out that there are actually Lego classes that one can attend! I was so surprised. Too bad we don’t have such classes here in Perth. Robin ended up buying 2 Lego sets for Calvin in Singapore. They are rather advanced for the boy, but the father reckoned that the sets will be good projects for both of them to complete over time. It’s good for their bonding too, I say.

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