Hand Foot Mouth.

Mr Athan has hand, foot and mouth disease!!! While this is a common viral infection among young children, it is a painful illness to have. Poor boy.

It started with a low-grade fever and then the spots appear. He was really upset one late evening and we decided to take him to the after hours GP o check him out. The doctor could not confirm whether it was HFM or nappy rash as it was still early days for the spots to appear on his body. We were told to bring him back after 2 days if the fever is still there. I brought him to another GP the next day as he was still very upset and the fever was still there. The doctor then confirmed he had HFM.

Unfortunately, there’s no medication to for the illness, just Panadol for the fever and pain. I felt so sorry for my little boy. He screamed a lot and was sleeping poorly at night. Thank God he did not have any blister in his mouth, else it would be very painful for him. We were told that Athan should be fine in about a week and the rash will take several weeks to clear.

Calvin is at high risk of getting the infection. However, I remembered he had HFM before when he was younger. I am praying and hoping he won’t get the HFM virus again.

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