Athan Speaks.

Athan’s current favourite words are “ba ba” (calling his dad). When he calls his dad, his voice is really loud and clear. I wish I know how to import a little video or audio clip right here so that you can hear him call his father. I know … I should learn. It’s quite entertaining to hear him speak I have to say, and you know what? I am “jealous”!! Why? Because my little boy has yet to call me and when I encourage him to call me “ma ma”, he calls out “ba ba”!! Gee…. Of course the father is very happy and he always gives the boy a respond and I think that has encouraged Athan to call him even more. Anyway, I am glad that Athan is (at least) speaking especially given that he is still not quite interested in walking at the moment.

We are getting busy as our trip is drawing near. I won’t have time to post anything until we return. Till then.

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